Adam Olesinski


Name: Adam Olesiński

Age: 31


Warsaw, Poland

Favourite rivers:

Salza (Austria), Rauma (Norway), White Nile (Uganda)

Why do you coach?

I’ve an obsession about process of learning and seeing progress of my students. Everyone is different and everyone has his own way to be a better kayaker. My role is helping to find the best one. Kayaking gave me a lot of fantastic memories and I want to help you make your owns!

Why do you love kayaking?

People, nature and felling of freedom makes me happy 😉

Highlights from your kayaking life?

Multiple medalist of Polish Championships in freestyle. Representing my  country in World and European Championships in freestyle kayaking was my childhood dream (ok,  maybe in another sport that I did when I was younger ! ).

What’s something most people don’t know about you? 

I’m eternal student, but you can trust me as I’m (almost) an engineer. My nickname “Dzik” means boar in polish.

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