Nick Beavis
Favourite rivers:
The White Nile in Uganda, and the Ottawa and Mistassibi rivers in Canada – all three are magical, all are epic whatever the water level.
Why do you coach?
I’ve spent so much time trying to learn this crazy little niche sport that it just seems wrong that I wouldn’t give some of that knowledge back and hopefully help others to enjoy themselves on the water as much as I do.
Why do you love kayaking?
For me, I think it’s the combination of my almost mystical need to be around water and in nature, the challenge of forever finding ways to become slightly better, the community and lifestyle that is one of the most open and friendly of any sport I’ve ever experienced, and some other x-factor – I’ve tried many sports over my life but nothing has resonated with me in the way kayaking has.
Highlights from your kayaking life? A rafting trip on the Apurimac in Peru that changed my life. My first trip to Nottingham’s HPP where I’ve been training reguarly ever since. My first Stakeout (spring high water in Ontario and Quebec), culminating in me competing in the Defi des Grandes Rivieres big wave competition and taking 9th place amongst a stacked crew. Competing in my first UNLEASHED multi-stage competition in Uganda. My first surf of the infamous ‘Molly’ wave. Spending 3 months on the Hairy Lemon (possibly my favourite place in the world) just before the Isimba dam. And you never forget your first hull-to-hull airscrew!
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Growing up I did a lot of team sports and was into fitness but didn’t do any action sports at all. That was until a 4 month travelling trip after I finished university that changed my life and I’ve pretty much been kayaking ever since.