Have you ever sat and listened to a news bulletin about an international global warming conference and been ashamed at how little responsibility that most of the governments were taking for the pollution they were producing?
Further thought brings this down a level…
What about us, the individuals? What pollution do we produce and do we take responsibility for our own actions in the way that we expect governments, organisations and others to?
There is a significant proportion of the western world, LiLi included, who realise that Global warming and care for the environment is a very important issue. We accept that there is a problem and would like to see steps made to improving the global situation, it is hard to fight the feeling that there is very little that we as individuals can do.
It is clear that within our lifetimes, the effects of climate change are going to hit every last one of us – for many they already have. Conserving the environment is no longer an issue that can be swept under the carpet. Sooner or later, each and every country, business and individual is going to be forced to accept responsibility for their own actions. This is not something that is entirely the governments responsibility, nor can individuals or single businesses make significant changes on their own. This is a collective responsibility – this is everyone’s problem. Knowing and accepting that climate change is a problem and that something serious needs to be done about it, we are faced with a simple choice..
We continue as we are and hope that sooner rather than later, governments and big business and others take some serious action to deal with the problem.
We step forward and, for our small part, we try and take steps to minimise our impact. We can try to spread the word of environmental conservation and inspire other organisations and individuals around us to do the same.