Booking conditions

  • All bookings are made with Sam Ward, the proprietor of Love it Live it (hereafter referred to as LiLi), whose office is Pen Y Bryn Isa, Graigfechan, Ruthin, Denbighshire, UK, LL15 2HB.
  • To book a place on a trip you must comply with one of the two following payment options.

Option 1 – Via post and cheque

    1. Complete and submit the online Love it Live it Booking Form.

    2. Send a cheque ( made payable to Sam Ward ) suitable for a UK bank account for the deposit (of value defined on each individual trip’s page) or for payment in full to Sam Ward at the above address.
    3. Depending on trip availability and dates, you will receive confirmation via email from LiLi.

Option 2 – Via internet transfer / telephone banking

    1. Complete and submit the online Love it Live it Booking Form.

    2. Upon receiving email confirmation from LiLi along with LiLi’s bank details. Either pay in full for the trip or pay a deposit of value defined on each individual trip’s page.

Deposits and Final Payment conditions

  • A deposit or full payment is required in order to secure a place on a trip.

  • The final balance should reach LiLi no later than 90 days before the beginning of the trip. If the balance is not received by the specified date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and, unless a delay in your payment has been agreed in writing by LiLi, your deposit will be forfeited. Bookings accepted after the balance due date can be secured with the appropriate deposit and full payment must then reach us within 7 days of us confirming your booking or by the beginning of the trip which ever comes first.

  • All bookings require a received deposit or payment in full in order to be valid.

  • Unless the trip is full, you will receive confirmation of your secured place via email.

  • The deposits for the trips are per person, per trip and the value of each deposit is defined on each individual trips page on the LiLi website.

Cancellation and transferring of trips.

Notice of cancellation must be given in writing. Should you cancel, the following scale of charges will apply.

      • Cancellation more than 60 days before the trip starts – loss of deposit

      • Between 29 and 59 before the trip starts – 30% of total trip cost
      • Between 10 and 28 days before the trip starts – 60% of total trip cost
      • Less that 10 days before the trip starts – 100% of total trip cost

Similar terms are adopted throughout the travel industry and cover the costs of advance payments made by LiLi. Cancellation charges may be covered by your travel insurance provided the reason for cancellation falls within the terms of the policy.

  • If you wish to transfer from one trip to another, an administration charge of £50 will be payable, up to the time that the final balance becomes due. Any transfer after this point at the discretion of LiLi will be treated as a cancellation. A transfer request must be notified in writing and will not be actioned on the original trip booked until the administration charge has been received.

  • LiLi can not be held financially responsible in anyway for difficulties incurred during the flights or transport to the meeting point, even if the mode of transport is suggested by LiLi, the LiLi guides or any of its representatives.

  • LiLi can not be held financially responsible in anyway for any financial implication of transferring or cancellation trips with regards to flight or any other transport to get to the meeting point (whatever the reason for the cancellation of the trip).

  • LiLi can not be held financially responsible for any extra costs during the trip associated with delayed arrival, delayed baggage or change of schedules or any other such problems associated with transport to and from the meeting point and leaving point of trip.

  • No refund will be awarded by LiLi for any missed activities due to problems associated with the transport to and from the trip. For example, missed activities due to kayak not arriving or flights being delayed. Some costs may be recovered from your travel insurance provided the reason for delay falls within the terms of the policy.

  • Circumstances may arise where we are forced to alter dates, trip duration, transport schedules, or hotel accommodation before a trip starts. We will try to inform you of any such changes as soon as we know of them.

  • Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the planned itinerary, it must be realised that with this type of adventurous activity changes to the programme will occur from time to time. LiLi accepts neither responsibility nor liability, for any ensuing costs, or the consequences of any such change, however caused.

Other Terms and Conditions

  • On assessing the conditions expected to be encountered on rivers or the abilities of the Trip Members, our Trip Leaders may decide to alter any proposed plan, river objective, river section or activity if they believe that to continue with the published itinerary, or any latterly agreed alternative, would place anyone at undue risk.

  • Our Trip Leaders will do their utmost to ensure that any problems are solved for the benefit of the group as a whole. Accepting these terms and conditions signifies your acceptance of the Trip Leader’s authority to make decisions affecting the group or individuals. For instance, the Trip Leader may require an individual or individuals to leave the trip if they believe that a person or persons health is at risk, if an illegal act is committed, or behaviour may become, or has been, detrimental to the safety, enjoyment or well-being of the group.

  • A client leaving a trip at any stage, for whatever reason, will not be entitled to any refund unless agreed by LiLi. Clients are advised to ensure that their travel insurance provides cover adequate for their needs.

  • LiLi receives regular Travel Advice from the UK Foreign Office (hereafter reffered to as FO). We will not knowingly operate trips in contravention of such advice if it is published before the due start date of an trip.

  • LiLi will cancel a trip if the FO Advice effectively puts the destination country or significant parts of the country out of bounds such as to make the main objective untenable. If the main objective of the trip remains achievable in observance of the FO Advice, we will alter the itinerary and the trip will not be cancelled. For example, the FO may advise that it is unsafe to travel through an area which lies on the published approach. In such circumstances, if the river can be reached by using an alternative route, we will do so and the trip will not be cancelled.

  • If the FO does not issue advice against travel, a disinclination to travel on the basis of a perceived threat or hazard, howsoever formed, will be interpreted as a voluntary cancellation and the charges set out in the terms and conditions above will apply.

  • Non-UK Nationals should consult their own government for advice on travel to the destination country and all countries transited en route.

  • Group sizes described on the LiLi website are target sizes and may be changed at the discretion of LiLi. Similarly, trip leaders named in trip descriptions may also be changed at the discretion of LiLi.

  • LiLi reserves the right to cancel any trip which does not receive sufficient bookings to make it financially viable.

  • Anyone booked onto an trip cancelled by LiLi will be entitled to a full refund. Anyone on such an trip will be invited to transfer to another trip and no transfer fee will be payable. Should they transfer to another trip any difference in price will be invoiced or credited accordingly.

  • Neither LiLi nor any of its representatives will be responsible for any illness, injury or death sustained on our trips, nor will they be liable for any uninsured loss of personal property.

  • LiLi cannot be made liable for the consequences of strikes, industrial action, wars, riots, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions, or other untoward occurrences, whatever they may be.

  • In the event of civil unrest in a particular region, we undertake to inform our clients of the situation as soon as we have knowledge of it.

  • For all Trips, you are strongly advised to have insurance that covers you for all of the activities to be undertaken, including adequate insurance for kayaking and cover for helicopter search and rescue and medical repatriation.

  • Having made every effort to ensure the correctness of the LiLi website, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.

  • Prices on the LiLi site are based on costs and exchange rates as at the time they are posted on our website. LiLi sincerely hopes that surcharges will not be necessary, but in the unlikely event that they are, you may cancel your booking without penalty if the surcharge amounts to more than 10% of the cost of the Trip.

  • LiLi’s agents, representatives and instructors are not entitled to promise refunds for whatever reason, and LiLi will not be bound by any such promises.

  • These terms and conditions may only be waived or varied in special circumstances when written permission from LiLi is supplied.

  • The terms and conditions of all agreements made with LiLi shall be subject to, and governed by, English law.

  • When making your booking it is implied and accepted that you have read and understood all these terms and conditions.