Learn to FLIP TURN by doing exercises in the video!
What is it?
Rotation of over 90° at a horizontal angle followed by a rotation with a vertical angle over 45° on the stern in one fluid motion all completed of one blade. The boat must be aerial at one point of the move. Unlike most wave moves, where the rhythm is ‘hop, bounce, throw”, a Flip Turn would better be described as “hop, skip”. The main release is more like a stone skimming on the water. The timing of the throw is instrumental in releasing the boat into the air. Unlike other moves, it is important to throw the move instantly as you do a main release.
Step by Step
- Set up at the top of the wave.
- Drive the hull of the boat into the green water to get it to release.
- Use hop to rotate the boat 90° horizontally.
- Drop your ear down to the water and pull up your downstream knee to kick the boat up to the side, pushing on the passive side of your blade near your hip.
- Catch the water with the active side of your leading blade and look upstream through the secondary shoulder.
- Go into full shoulder rotation using a leading blade to kick your legs above your body.
- Land using a sweep roll with the leading blade.
Get your own copy of Freestyle Unlocked
Freestyle Unlocked is first book of the series. For this and more content buy your own copy of the book where you will find:
- Self-guided training tools that will teach you how to plan your sessions
- Insights on foundation skills
- Break down for preparation, initiation, execution and landing photos crossed with 3b concept of blade, body and the boat
- Most common mistakes and their solutions
- Top tips to take your trick to the next level!

You can buy the book at:
If you seek more how to videos see www.loveitliveit.co.uk/Unlocked/Freestyle