Learn to PISTOL FLIP by doing exercises in the video!
What is it?
At least 150° horizontal angle rotation or half a barrel roll flowing into a front loop. Pistol Flip is like an Mc Nasty but it is done differently on the wave than in the hole. It takes quite a bit of courage to jump with your head first under the boat making it quite difficult trick but the snappiness you get out of it absolutely repays initial fear.
Step by Step
- Set up backward going down the wave.
- Press on the leading edge by bouncing and commit to going down while doing a back power stroke.
- Leading with the head and paddle, throw yourself over the secondary edge and upstream, pulling the boat over the top of you.
- Kick the legs over your body, pulling on the active side of the leading blade that initiated the move to finish off the loop.
- Finish off the loop.
Get your own copy of Freestyle Unlocked
Freestyle Unlocked is first book of the series. For this and more content buy your own copy of the book where you will find:
- Self-guided training tools that will teach you how to plan your sessions
- Insights on foundation skills
- Break down for preparation, initiation, execution and landing photos crossed with 3b concept of blade, body and the boat
- Most common mistakes and their solutions
- Top tips to take your trick to the next level!

You can buy the book at:
If you seek more how to videos see www.loveitliveit.co.uk/Unlocked/Freestyle