What is it?
In ICF rules we read “Two consecutive ends at a vertical angle of between 45° and 100° linked together by at least a 160° horizontal rotation near the vertical point of the first end on the long axis.” In other words – it is a shuvit with vertical ends! This is also where rotations kick in and freestyle starts to be fun in new dimension! First variation of the cartwheel to be learned.
Step by Step
- Start like a normal cartwheel.
- As the bow starts to drop, stand up, pushing hard on the paddle and kick the bum around to upstream to rotate on the bow.
- As the tail of your boat approaches upstream chop it back into the oncoming water.
- Continue cartwheeling on the other side.
How to splitwheel using exercises
- [flatground] Stand straight with your paddle and using step by step instructions try to do the splitwheel. Focus on position of your hips and completing 180 degrees turn.
- [flatground] Sitting flat on the ground, do a half spin and lay to the side of your leading hand. Turn your head to initial direction and rolling through your back move your legs above the body to finish the move.
- [flatground] Sit flat on the ground and put your hand near the hip. Imitate double pump and do 180 degree turn pushing away from your hand. Lay to the leading side, turning your head to initial direction move your legs above the body.
- [flatwater/feature] Paddling forward do a shuvit.
- [flatwater/feature] Paddling forward initiate the move like with shuvit but when you are backward put the boat on the edge from the side where your blade is and looking through further shoulder to direction you used to go bring your legs back over your body like with second end of a cartwheel
- [flatwater/feature] Do a double pump and by pushing your bow down, and straightening your hand kick your bum away from the paddle to complete 180 degrees rotation on your bow. Finish off by brining your boat flat like finishing of the shuvit
- [flatwater/feature] Connect both exercises doing a full version splitwheel
- [flatwater/feature] Try doing a reverse split wheel initiation backward with double pump and doing rotation on active side of the blade. Make sure to keep your body high to make rotation part easier.
Learn splitwheel by doing exercises in the video!
Get your own copy of Freestyle Unlocked
Freestyle Unlocked is first book of the series. For this and more content buy your own copy of the book where you will find:
- Self-guided training tools that will teach you how to plan your sessions
- Insights on foundation skills
- Break down for preparation, initiation, execution and landing photos crossed with 3b concept of blade, body and the boat
- Most common mistakes and their solutions
- Top tips to take your trick to the next level!
You can buy the book at:
If you seek more how to videos see www.loveitliveit.co.uk/Unlocked/Freestyle